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In order to live up to our full potential, full of energy and refreshed, we spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. What sounds almost paradoxical is easily explained when we take a closer look at the regenerative miracle of sleep from all angles. And that is precisely why restful sleep is so close to our hearts, and not just on World Sleep Day, which we naturally celebrate with all our foam-filled hearts.
Good sleep is as essential to our lives as breathing in, breathing out and the repetition that follows. Perhaps therefore we have dedicated ourselves so much in our Living & Care business unit to promoting healthy sleep in all its facets with our .bedding products, to simply make the lives of many people better.
If you can dream it, we can do it!
This is precisely why we support international designers, renowned mattress and furniture manufacturers, and the international furniture industry in realizing their living and sleeping dreams with our foams and products.
And it does not matter whether we supply foam blocks in a wide range of variants as a material, produce mattress cores configured to your specifications or design ready-to-use mattresses for sale as required: in any case, as a full-service provider, we are passionate about producing the foam from which your carefree dreams are woven. Sweet dreams are made of this. Speaking of carefree dreams:

What type of sleeper are you? A Bear, Wolf, Lion or perhaps a Dolphin?
During sleep, we recharge our batteries, and our body performs the most complex regeneration processes, while at the same time we explore beautiful dream worlds to continue dancing through life rested. The sleep rhythm in which we do this best is just as individual as the choice of the perfect foam mattress. In the world of sleeping habits, there are more than just early risers (larks) and night owls.
The world-famous sleep researcher Dr. Michael Breus, whose name shines like a star in the scientific sky, helps us find the right rhythm based on our sleep behavior. He classifies our sleep habits into four animal chronotypes:

The Bear:
The bear chronotype follows the sun’s path, much like wild bears. It wakes up when the sun rises in the early morning and retreats when it gets dark in the early evening. Its main productive time is between 10 am and 2 pm. Bears are generally in a good mood and sociable. If you need to discuss challenging matters with a bear, mornings and lunchtime are ideal.

The Wolf:
Wolves are the creative night owls among the chronotypes. They usually wake up later in the day and could do with an extra cup of coffee. They feel most productive between 10 am and 4 pm. Wolves experience an energy boost in the evening. Important conversations with a wolf are best held in the evening. Midnight or later is a common bedtime for wolves.

The Lion:
Lions are the kings of the morning hours. They tend to wake up early, often around 5 am, and feel most energetic and productive before noon. In the evening, Lions do not last as long and are not "party animals". Lions usually settle down in the early evening and fall asleep by 10 pm at the latest. You can discuss difficult topics with a Lion all day long, even over breakfast.

The Dolphin:
In the wild, dolphins often stay alert while sleeping to avoid predators. The human chronotype is similar: it tends to be sensitive to light and noise during sleep, often waking up at night. Many dolphin chronotypes also experience insomnia. However, they have a strong productivity window between 10 am and 2 pm.
So, which animal chronotype do you identify with? Maybe a bear that turns into a wolf at night? Or a lion who occasionally feels like a dolphin? Regardless of your chronotype, the key is to find your own rhythm and get a good night’s sleep!
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For us recently one of our dreams came true with the new foam.hybrid eNdura:
Our lightweight foam, incorporating 30% sustainably certified renewable raw materials according to REDcert2, offers lasting comfort, outstanding performance and maximum comfort. Despite its light weight of just 38 kg/m³, it guarantees dimensional stability comparable to conventional high resilience foam (HR foam) of 52-70 kg/m³. This stability is being maintained even under intensive and prolonged use.
The excellent suspension characteristics ensure even pressure distribution in every sleeping position, relieving pressure on the intervertebral discs and thus improving sleep quality. In addition, the high air permeability ensures a breathable sleeping climate with outstanding moisture and heat regulation. Simply put, a dream made of foam.
For further information on our new foam.hybrid eNdura and our entire .bedding range, please contact Karl Keplinger, our well-rested lion among the foam experts:
Product & International Key Account Manager Living & Care
[email protected]
We wish you a wonderful World Sleep Day! With this in mind: sweet dreams, a restful night or perhaps a good morning - whatever your chronotype.