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Happy World Sleep Day – The Perfect Mattress Makes All the Difference!

World Sleep Day
World Sleep Day


Side sleeper, back sleeper, stomach sleeper: however you sleep - today we're celebrating you! Because sleep is a wonderful thing – just like waking up on the perfect mattress!

Whether you're a side sleeper, back sleeper, stomach sleeper or someone who turns so much in their sleep that they have to be untied in the morning – everyone has a favorite position. But we rarely spend the whole night in this position. Our smart body unconsciously changes position again and again. On average 1.6 times per hour. Why? So that we get the best possible rest, blood circulation is good and there are no pressure points. At least that's what researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology say.

But which sleeping position is the best and which mattress do I need in which position? The all-clear here: there is no such thing as the right or wrong sleeping position. In fact, it is often the case that people intuitively prefer the position that is best for their health. 

side sleeper

Sleeping on the side - the most popular position

The side sleeping position is the most popular sleeping position. Over half of all people sleep this way. And for good reason! The spine remains straight and the body can relax. To ensure that this really works, you should choose a mattress with several zones. Particularly important: a soft shoulder and hip zone so that these parts of the body can sink in ergonomically. Most side sleepers regularly switch sides during sleep in order to relieve the pressure on their arms and legs evenly. Sleeping on the left side is said to have a positive effect on complaints such as heartburn and digestive problems, while the right side is often recommended for heart conditions. Whether left or right - the side position is usually the best choice for people who tend to snore.

back sleeper

Sleeping on the back - for all those who keep their posture

Back sleepers generally lie relaxed and stretched out in bed. This is good for the spine because it can remain in its natural S-shape. At the same time, the body weight is well distributed and the intervertebral discs can recover.  When choosing a mattress, back sleepers should look for a soft heel zone and a stable hip zone. The latter is particularly important for people who tend to have a hollow back. The supine position is ideal for people who sit a lot or suffer from back problems. And for anyone who wants to wake up in the morning without a crumpled face. But be careful: if you snore, you should reconsider this position. This is because the tongue has an unpleasant habit of sliding backwards and blocking the airways when lying on your back.

stomach sleeper

Sleeping on the stomach - for the rebels among the sleepers

Few people like to sleep on their stomach. Some use this position to fall asleep. However, it is less ideal for longer periods of sleep as it puts strain on the lumbar region and often overstretches the cervical spine. Nevertheless, convinced stomach sleepers should choose a firm mattress and use a flat pillow – or even do without a pillow altogether. A little tip for anyone who can't decide: A combination of lying on your stomach and on your side – one leg bent, the upper body slightly turned – could be the perfect solution.

Conclusion: Sleep the way you want – but on the right mattress!

There is no such thing as the perfect sleeping position – but there is a perfect mattress for you! Because no matter how you sleep, the right mattress helps to support your posture and relieve pressure points. The firmness level? Purely a matter of taste! As long as the zones are correctly matched, it's fine.

And if you're unsure? A qualified sleep consultant at a specialist retailer can help you find the perfect sleep setup.

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