We talked to Mandy Asmus, who has been with the company since 2004.
NEVEON: Mandy, what motivated you to take on the role of a culture facilitator?
MANDY: I was totally picked up and inspired by the team spirit in the workshops. It's important to me to carry that inspiration forward and make it available to everyone in the company. That's why I've taken on the challenge of being able to pick up workshops myself at different locations in the future.
NEVEON: You've been with the company since 2004 - applause at this point - how does our corporate culture match up with what you've experienced so far?
MANDY: The team spirit that I have experienced here at the Burkhardtsdorf site from the very beginning continues to motivate me. The new opportunities in terms of a more flexible work schedule and home office make my job even more interesting. I generally find that the new corporate culture supports freedom and creative opportunities. I like that a lot. And the fact that people are at the center is completely in line with my values and attitude. That opens my heart!
"I believe that quite probably more than anything else how we think and feel everyday in combination with our culture here at NEVEON impacts our capacity to grow and be at our best, both individually and as a team."
Jürgen Kleinrath, CEO

NEVEON: Which of the concepts of our corporate culture is most valuable to you?
MANDY: Actually, there are two concepts - I even have the posters from the workshops hanging in my home office. My favorite topics are feedback and appreciation. I think the positive approach to feedback is so important. It's not about criticizing someone, but really giving feedback. Starting with an encouraging statement, looking at what is already going well. And then saying how you could be "even more effective."
NEVEON: In two one-week intensive workshops, our facilitators receive all the tools they need to be able to hold workshops themselves at our locations. The first of these training focuses took place - unfortunately virtually - in mid-January. How was that for you? What did you take away?
MANDY: Although the training took place virtually, the energy was permanently noticeable. I felt a strong sense of cohesion. For me, it was a very valuable week, where I not only received a lot of input on our corporate culture, but also learned a lot about myself.
Thank you Mandy for your openness! Your energy was also noticeable in our conversation!