Jerney Hren and Jürgen Kleinrath

establish LOOP-it

  • The foam producer and processor NEVEON and the circular economy company BRANTNER green solutions are launching Austria’s first mattress recycling company, LOOP-it.
  • The joint venture aims to establish mattress recycling in Austria and tap into new material flows by recycling end-of-life mattresses.

Vienna/Krems, February 19, 2025. Every year, over one million used mattresses are disposed of in Austria. According to the report “„Zirkuläre Matratzen“ (Circular Mattress Report) this results in the release of approximately 150,000 tons of CO2 per year and the destruction of valuable raw materials. Around 25,000 tons of CO2 are generated through incineration. The foam specialist NEVEON and BRANTNER green solutions, a circular economy company, aim to change this. To conserve natural resources and drive the transition toward circular material flows, the two companies have officially established the joint venture LOOP-it on February 14, 2025.

The joint venture will fill the existing gap in mattress recycling in Austria and help keep valuable raw materials in circulation while tapping into new material flows in the future. As a first step, LOOP-it, headquartered in Krems an der Donau / Austria, will collect, dismantle, and mechanically recycle used mattresses in cooperation with waste collection centers and other partners. The recovered raw materials will then be processed by NEVEON and other manufacturers into high-value (composite foam) products, such as carpet underlays or sound insulation elements. 

“At NEVEON, we are fully aware of our corporate responsibility. Like our parent company, Greiner AG, we are committed to becoming a fully circular business. We see mattress recycling – and the founding of LOOP-it – as a key step toward a sustainable circular economy,” explains Jürgen Kleinrath, Managing Director of LOOP-it and CEO of NEVEON. “Today’s waste is tomorrow’s resource. At BRANTNER green solutions, we aim to recover as many valuable materials as possible. With the introduction of mattress recycling, we are excited to take another major step toward an efficient, holistic circular economy in Austria,” emphasizes Jernej Hren, Managing Director of LOOP-it and Group Innovation Officer at BRANTNER green solutions.


Pioneers in Austria

With the founding of LOOP-it, NEVEON and BRANTNER green solutions are taking a pioneering role in Austria. Unlike in other countries, Austria’s recycling infrastructure is not yet supported by an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme, making their initiative all the more significant. “We’re going the extra mile for the sake of future generations. Together with NEVEON, we have developed a sustainable solution to optimize this aspect of the circular economy in Austria as much as possible – starting now,” explains Josef Scheidl, Managing Director of BRANTNER green solutions. “At NEVEON, our goal is to improve quality of life through our products and services. This commitment is also what led us to establish the LOOP-it joint venture. By building a mattress recycling infrastructure in Austria – without financial support from an EPR scheme – we are taking a proactive step forward. We do this out of conviction because, like our partner BRANTNER green solutions, we firmly believe that transitioning from a linear economic system to a sustainable circular economy is essential for a livable future,” adds LOOP-it Managing Director and NEVEON CEO Jürgen Kleinrath.

Press contact

NEVEON Helena Balaouras Corporate Communications

Helena Balaouras

Director Corporate Communications & Marketing
E: [email protected]


Press release

