NEVEON locations


NEVEON Foam d.o.o.

Karadordeva BB
22300 Stara Pazova

T: +381 22 310 032
F: +381 22 310 031

[email protected]


NEVEON is a leading global integrated foam group that offers outstanding polyurethane flexible and composite foams for a huge range of applications, from the comfort segment through the transportation sector to a limitless variety of specialty applications. NEVEON is part of Greiner and was created in 2021 by bundling Eurofoam, aerospace, MULTIfoam, Perfoam, PURTEC and Unifoam. With a network of 55 locations in 14 countries, NEVEON guarantees customer proximity, the quickest possible delivery times and highest levels of quality.


NEVEON kao integrisana grupacija iz oblasti penastog materijala globalni je lider koji nudi izuzetne poliuretanske fleksibilne i kompozitne pene za najraznovrsnija područja primene – od oblasti stanovanja, preko sektora mobilnosti, pa sve do najrazličitijih oblasti posebne primene. NEVEON je deo grupacije Greiner i nastao je 2021. spajanjem kompanija Eurofoam, aerospace, MULTIfoam, Perfoam, PURTEC i Unifoam. Mrežom od 55 poslovnih lokacija u 14 zemalja, ova kompanija specijalizovana za penaste materijale garantuje bliskost kupcima,najkraće rokove isporuka i najbolji kvalitet.

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NEVEON_Podaci za Identifikaciju
NEVEON_General Terms and Conditions of Sale_Europe_Serbian
NEVEON_General Terms and Conditions of Sale_Europe_English