NEVEON is a leading global integrated foam group that offers outstanding polyurethane flexible and composite foams for a huge range of applications, from the comfort segment through the transportation sector to a limitless variety of specialty applications. NEVEON is part of Greiner and was created in 2021 by bundling Eurofoam, aerospace, MULTIfoam, Perfoam, PURTEC and Unifoam. With a network of 55 locations in 14 countries, NEVEON guarantees customer proximity, the quickest possible delivery times and highest levels of quality.

NEVEON 是全球领先的整合型泡沫材料集团,为包罗万象的应用领域提供卓越的聚氨酯软泡沫和复合泡沫——从舒适性、移动性领域直至截然不同的特殊应用。NEVEON 隶属 Greiner,并于 2021 年由 Eurofoam、aerospace、MULTIfoam、Perfoam、PURTEC 和 Unifoam 合并而成。其经营网络中拥有 55 个驻地,遍布 14 个国家,保证泡沫材料专家贴近客户需求,提供最短的供货时间与最出色的品质。