As a leading manufacturer of standard and specialty foams in more than 300 different quality grades, we offer a wide range of products designed to meet comfort and transportation needs as well as all kinds of specialist applications. We focus on custom foam solutions that meet the needs of our customers and offer added value. At the first processing stage, we offer foam blocks for downstream processing by customers. We also offer custom preparation services encompassing everything from flakes, sheets and rolls through to made-to-order foam blanks specially cut with incredible precision. Not only that, but we also manufacture composite foams made from post-industrial cutting residue. NEVEON stands for quality, innovation and environmental responsibility.
80% repolyol foam – 100% comfort

Milestone in the recycling of end-of-life mattresses: NEVEON has succeeded in producing high-quality foam blocks with a recycled polyol content of 80 percent and turning them into fully fledged mattresses. Old mattresses become new high-quality mattresses.
Read more: Press Release